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Integrated Systems Europe, new congress in Barcelona for 2021

From 2021 Barcelona will host Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), the biggest congress in the world of the audio-visual world.

The last edition of the ISE held in Amsterdam from the 6 to 9 of February 2018 attracted more than 80,000 attendees. Due to the annual growth of around 10%, the Dutch city will host two more congresses, those of 2019 and 2020, but from 2021 it will be held in the Catalan capital, specifically from the 2 to 5 of February in the spaces of the Fira Barcelona, which will become the congress’s permanent home.

In this way, ISE will become the second largest congress held in Barcelona after the Mobile World Congress (MWC), and it is estimated that it will produce an economic impact of 400 million euros.

Integrated Systems Europe (ISE)

Return to work fully charged

Dear friends,

After the holiday period we start the return to work fully charged in order to continue providing you with our support and assessment in the organisation of your congresses and professional events.

We can tell you that we have a very full agenda for the final quarter since we will be defining the new Plan of Actions and Objectives for 2019 and will agree the new Marketing Plan of Tourism and Meetings with the sector.

I should also mention that on the 25 October we will be organising CONNECTA2018 in firaReus, and in November taking part in the IBTM World fair in Barcelona with our own stand.

Have a great end of the year!

Sònia Serracarbassa
Director of Catalunya Convention Bureau

Presentation David Font i Simon

Dear friends,

I am sending you this note to introduce myself and make myself available to you. My name is David Font and at the end of September, I was appointed the new director of the Catalan Tourist Board.

I am facing this challenge aware of the importance of tourism for the economy of our country, and with the desire to work so that Catalonia continues as one of the leading international destinations.

I know about the great work you undertake within the Ambassadors Programme, a programme that unites the tourist sector with other industrial and research sectors, which now has 146 top-level professionals with international renown.

Therefore, I am counting on you, so that through your work you continue to be endorsers of Catalonia for attracting professional events, which not only provide a return for the tourist services but also help position and boost the Catalan economy in the world through the institutions they represent.

I thank you most sincerely for your work, which has our support and recognition for the effort it involves, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in one of the coming events that we organise.

David Font i Simon
Managing Director of the Catalan Tourist Board

Outstanding upcoming professional events in Catalonia

NOLTA’18: The International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
2 to 6 of September at the Trade Fair Hall of Congresos de Tarragona

Meeting of the European Association of Archaeology (EAA)

5 to 8 of September in the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB)

VI Conference of the Sociology of Organisations Teachers

13 to of 15 September in the University of Lérida

I Forum of Indian Municipalities

20 to 21 of September in the Municipal Library Lloret de Mar

XXVII Conference of Catalan Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

19 to 20 of October in the Congress Hall of Gerona 

Welcome to the new members of the Ambassadors Programme

Martí Manyalich: president of the Donation and Transplantation Institute.

Teresa Mogas
: university chair in veterinary studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Vicente Javaloyes
: vice-president of the Catalan Association of Professional Sports Agents.

Joan Soler
: president of the Catalan Association of Archivists-Managers of Documentation.

Josep Maria Mestres del Valle
: president of the Silk Textile Federation.

María Pérez-Hickman
: president of Sustainable Fashion (Moda Sostenible) Barcelona.

We are starting up the Universities Programme

Initially, the Ambassador Programme was created from the Catalunya Convention Bureau with the aim of supporting its members in the organisations to which they belonged in order to create new business opportunities and generate knowledge in our region.
Now that this programme has established itself, and having analysed the needs of the sector, the new Catalunya Congresses Programme of the Catalunya Convention Bureau has been created, which will be the umbrella organisation of the Ambassadors Programme and the Universities Programme.

Therefore, the other element that will help us develop this new Catalunya Congresses Programme and linked to the Ambassadors Programme is what we have named the Universities Programme.
The universities are one of the main sources of congresses and of the associative network, and through them, we will be able to detect and make contact with these possible new members for the Ambassadors Programme.

As well as working jointly in order to recruit new ambassadors, we will establish a more flowing relationship of collaboration and communication that will enable us to provide a more complete service and new tools for the universities to create synergies between them and the Catalunya Convention Bureau

Lunch-debate Ambassadors Programme 2018. 2nd lunch-debate

The 2ndlunch-debate was held on the 2ndof July in the Hotel Princess Barcelona, and taking part were Xavier Espasa, director of the Catalan Tourist Board; Joan Romero, board member of ACCIÓ, the Agency for Company Competitiveness; and Jaume Boltà, president of OPC Catalunya and director of Bocemtium. The meeting was also attended by ambassadors from the company and economics field, who were able to discover the circumstances and professional needs of their sectors, as well as forge synergies between each other.

Lunch-debate Ambassadors Programme 2018. 1st lunch-debate

The 1stlunch-debate of 2018 took place on the 24thof May in the Casa Convalescència (UAB).
The speakers were Francesc Ramón Subirada i Curcó, managing director of research at the Company and Knowledge Department; Xavier Espasa, director of the Catalan Tourist Board; and Rafel Peris, vice-president of OPC Catalunya and chief executive of the Meetings and Science Group. The main aims were to find out about the situation of events organisation in the field of research and innovation and to create synergies between the scientific world and that of events tourism.

Dear Ambassadors

We are pleased to welcome you to the second Ambassadors Newsletter of the Catalunya Convention Bureau of 2018.

As we mentioned in the previous newsletter, we are working on the development of the Catalunya Congresses Programme which, as well as strengthening and helping the Ambassadors Programme to grow, we also highlight the start-up of the Universities Programme, which we explain in this newsletter.

We take this opportunity to wish you a happy holiday and are grateful for your interest in forming part of the Ambassadors Programme. We would also encourage you to contact us if you have any doubt when organising your congresses. 
Sònia Serracarbassa
Director of the Catalunya Convention Bureau


Upcoming leading professional events in Catalonia: 
12-13 April – Palau de Congressos La Llotja in Lleida
20-24 April – Centre de Convencions Internacional in Barcelona
10-12 May – Palau de Congressos in Tarragona

12-13 April – Hotel AC Palau de Bellavista in Girona

3-4 May – firaReus

10-13 May – Palau de Congressos Olympic in Lloret de Mar


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