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Third Catalan Cuisine Congress

Between November 1981 and June 1982, a group of food lovers organised the I Catalan Cuisine Congress, which sowed the seed that resulted in, in 1994, the II Congress under the heading The cuisine of a country is its landscape placed in the pot.

25 years have passed by, during which Catalan gastronomy as a sector has become one of the socioeconomic and cultural pillars of the country. The aim now is to consolidate this successful formula organising the III Catalan Cuisine Congress. One of the promoters is Pepa Aymamí, member of the Ambassador Programme, General Director of the Catalan Institute of Cuisine and Gastronomic Culture, who had a very active role in the previous congresses and who today is the general coordinator of the third. The event, which will last for 12 months, has set itself broad objectives that you can find on the website of the congress.

One of the scheduled events is the World Congress of Science and Cuisine, which will be taking place from the 4th to 6th of March 2019 in the historic building of the University of Barcelona. Under the title Influence on the cuisine of the 21st century, major experts in the academic, scientific, gastronomic and literary world will meet together.

MORE INFORMATIONWorld Congress of Science and Cuisine

Experience with the Ambassador Programme. Eduard Vieta – Hospital Clínic of Barcelona 

I want to thank the Catalunya Convention Bureau for its help in organising the supper for the Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) last October in Barcelona. The congress, which had the support of the Barcelona Convention Bureau, brought together more than 5,000 scientists from around the world and was a success in both the organizational aspect and the contents. As treasurer of the College and as Ambassador I feel proud of having placed Catalonia and its capital in the centre of investigation about illnesses of the brain, and of having given a magnificent image of our culture and our capacity to organise major international events. The congress is held in different European cities, but the success it had in 2018 means that we can confirm that in 2023 (7th-10th October), Barcelona will once again host the congress and be the city hosting the most important advances in research of the brain and its neurological and psychiatric illnesses. A great success for our city and country.

European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)

Experience with the Ambassador Programme. Xavier Roura – Hospital Clínic Veterinary UAB

As a member of the Ambassador Programme I have had the opportunity to take part with the Cataluña Convention Bureau in meetings and visits in places with potential to hold events in Catalonia. This has enabled me to discover first-hand the possibilities and worth of the components of this organisation. Now at last I have been able to work with them and I have received their support, as well as that of the Barcelona Convention Bureau, for the organisation of the next congress of our association, the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, in Barcelona in 2020. From getting in touch with the International Convention Centre of Barcelona to looking for potential locations to organise our receptions and suppers during the congress, are just two examples of the possibilities of help that they have offered us. This joint work will enable us to be more effective in the organisation of our annual congress, this time in Barcelona.

30th Annual Congress of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 3rd-5th September 2020

Associative Workshop

After the success of the State Associative Workshop that we held in September 2017, this year we are repeating the experience.

It is a workshop in which the Catalunya Convention Bureau (CCB) invites different state associations from all the spheres that organise congresses and events to come to Catalonia and meet with the members of the Catalunya Convention Bureau.

The workshop serves as a promotional and commercialisation activity, with clear direct networking that has proved to be very efficient.

As well as the workshop, the CCB is also organising a three-day familiarisation trip around the region. The aim of this trip is so that the associations invited can discover the offer of Catalonia first-hand.

This is why we also want to invite the members of the Ambassadors Programme to take part. We encourage you to register for the workshop and the trip, since you will have the opportunity of discovering places and offers at home that perhaps you were not yet aware of, and all in a relaxing, friendly atmosphere that will certainly be very useful.

The AssociativeWorkshop is taking place on the 9th of May 2019 and the Fam Trip will be on the 10th, 11th and 12th of May 2019.
Those of you who are interested can contact Marta Bros:

Barcelona has 30 congresses confirmed for 2019 of more than one thousand delegates

The city of Barcelona continues to be a world benchmark in the congress sector. In 2017 it occupied the first international position in the organisation of congresses with 195, according to figures of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), more than those held in Paris, Vienna or Berlin.

With that in mind, the Catalan capital already has more than 30 congresses confirmed of more than one thousand delegates for 2019. By sector, medical congresses head the list, since three of the five most important medical congresses in the world will be taking place in Barcelona. Heading this podium of big medical congresses are the European Society for Medical Oncology, ESMO 2019 (27thof September to 1st October) with 20,000 delegates; the European Diabetes Congress (16th to 20th September) with 15,000 delegates; and the European Association of Urology (15thto 19thof March), with 13,000 delegates. Also of note is the textile machinery conference, ITMA 2019 (20thto 26thof June), which will bring 100,000 visitors to the city of the counts.

Naturally, the main fair of the sector, IBTM World, will continue being held in Barcelona. The dates are from the 19th to 21st of November and 13,500 delegates are expected to attend.


We close 2018 with the great news that the campaign of the Catalan Tourist Board The Route of Fate won the prize for the World Best Tourist Film.

And we begin 2019 aware that congress and meetings tourism in Catalonia generated an income of 1,700 million euros during 2018sinceover one and a half million travellers visited Catalonia for professional or business purposes.

Al this makes us very enthusiastic about the new challenges facing us in 2019, in which we have planned a complete programme of activities to which you are invited.

Among them feature the Breakfasts-Debates. The success of the two events in 2018 has led us to extend them to four this year. Also of note is the I Networking Meeting of the Ambassadors of Catalonia, which will comprise a conference with different professional sessions that we will close with a supper in which networking will be a key element and where we would like to see you all.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your work and commitment and to remind you that we place all our infrastructure and human team at your disposal to help develop your challenges.

Sònia Serracarbassa
Director of the Catalunya Convention Bureau

What’s on? Upcoming outstanding professional events in Catalonia

2018 Barcelona Workshop on Regional and Urban Economics
4-5 October – Barcelona

XIII International Symposium of the Spanish Society of Plutarchists “Iconography and Value of Myths in Plutarch”

4-6 October – Lleida

Sitges Film Festival – International Festival of Fantastic Cinema of Catalonia

4-14 October – Sitges

Montphoto Fest

5-7 October – Lloret de Mar

ECNP Congress

6-9 October – Barcelona

Business Tourism Market

18 October – Lloret de Mar

XLVII Annual meeting of the Spanish Cytology Society

19-20 October – Tarragona

XVIII Congress of the SEDIA

25-26 October – Girona

Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona
22-23 November – Barcelona

IBTM World
27-29 November – Barcelona

Congresses and events of the Ambassadors Programme

Maria Abellanet, member of the Ambassadors Programme and director of the CETT group, informs us of the second Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, organised by the Tourism, Hotel and Catering and Gastronomy Faculty of the CETT-UB, which will take place on the 22 and 23 of November in the Hotel Alimara in Barcelona.

The congress, which is focused on innovation, sustainability, technology and governance, is the world’s meeting place for all those academics and professionals who want to improve and share their knowledge about Smart Tourism.

The 22 of November will be the Academic Conference, designed as a forum for researchers and students, and the 23 of November, the Professional Conference, a sole forum aimed at bringing together academics and relevant players from the tourist industry.

We invite all Ambassadors to inform us of the congresses in which they are collaborating in order to publicise them, to the email

Experience with the Ambassadors Programme

Marc Morera – Associació Symfony Barcelona

I have been involved for some years, completely for the love of art, and in part for the ecosystems of technological conferences and congresses in Barcelona. Over recent years I have organised some small conferences and a couple of around 500 people, but this time I have wanted to go a little further. From the very beginning, and through the Ambassador Programme, the Catalunya Convention Bureau has taken a very big interest in this congress. They have advised me regarding contacts when I have needed them, have been by my side when seeking options regarding the location of the congress and they have always done everything they could when I have asked for help. In brief, forming part of this initiative has been key when formulating and articulating this latest edition.

Polycon Summit Barcelona | 19th – 21th July 2019

Roser Salicrú i Lluch – IMF (CSIC) – IEC

As an Ambassador, I have always heard people talking of the Catalunya Convention Bureau. But hearing people talk about things is quite different from experiencing them. And that is why I can now state, with good cause, regarding the organisation in Barcelona, in July 2019, of the 6th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, that coming into contact with the Catalunya Convention Bureau has been a revelation and a great relief. It means being able to speak with someone of proven trust ready to help and advise, who has answers to doubts and questions that arise, who listens to you, understands you and adapts to your needs, and who guides you in solving problems. There is no doubt that the availability and facilities that the Catalunya Convention Bureau offers truly enables a better and more efficient organisation of a scientific event.

6th Biennial Conference de la Society for the Medieval Mediterranean | 8th – 11th July 2019 – IEC-CSIC


On the 25 of October in firaReus, from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m., CONNECTA 2018 will be taking place, an event that will bring together the Catalan meetings and events sector, and which is being organised by the Catalan Tourist Board, through the brand of the Catalunya Convention Bureau.

In this second edition, the event will have four spaces to create and strengthen the meetings and events tourism community of Catalonia: inspiration zone, debate zone, co-creation zone and Marketplace Catalunya zone.

The aim is that of co-creating and innovating in order to strengthen this industry and continue boosting the competitiveness of the Catalan meetings and events sector internationally.

For more information, visit the web


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