Inici > Private: Brand program of Catalan Tourist board > Grand Tour of Catalonia

Grand Tour of Catalonia

Grand Tour of Catalonia – A Jouney full of journeys

The Grand Tour of Catalonia is a route to know, discover, live, taste and enjoy Catalonia with your vehicle.

A circular road trip to discover the essence of Catalonia: connecting cultural icons, natural landscapes, and gastronomy and wine pleasures that define the personality of this land, both in rural and urban environments. A journey and many journeys at once, as each traveler can organize it to their liking, travel at their own pace, at any time of the year, and choose from a wide range of diverse experiences to undertake. 

It’s a tourism product in a route format to travel around all of Catalonia by vehicle over several days, discovering its main heritage, natural, and gastronomy and wine attractions, as well as getting to know its people, customs, and traditions. 

Furthermore, it responds to the commitment to sustainability of the Catalan Tourism Agency (ACT), aiming to promote a well-distributed, diversified, high-quality tourism that allows discovering the destination throughout the year.  

It’s also a tool for dynamizing the tourism sector, stemming from a cooperative development effort. The project has been worked on collaboratively by the ACT, the General Directorate of Tourism including the Catalonia Tourism Office Network, and the different Tourism Boards of the provinces of Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, and Girona, as well as Foment Torisme Val d’Aran and Tourism of Barcelona. 

We have three manuals to facilitate the communication of the Grand Tour of Catalonia and to serve as guidance for the companies that promote and market it: 

  • In the Product Manual, you’ll find all the information you need about the Grand Tour of Catalonia: the description, route details, promotional materials, etc. Additionally, it includes the Brand Usage Manual, detailing all the materials and communication tools available.
  • The Marketing Manual includes the necessary information for travel agencies and activity companies that want to be part of the Grand Tour of Catalonia. It specifies the steps to follow and the required documentation to formalize participation. 

If you are a marketer and want to organize the route, or if you’re a Catalan company looking to offer an experience for the Grand Tour of Catalonia and have doubts, contact us via email at and we will explain to you how to do it. 

You can find much more information on the website 




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