Inici > European projects

European projects

The Catalan Tourist Board (CTB) participates and, in some cases, leads several European projects that have a great impact on the creation of sustainable tourism experiences, the digitalisation of the tourism sector and cross-border and transnational cooperation, among other aspects. It collaborates with the General Directorate of Tourism (DGT) in some of these projects.

The CTB in European projects – Results 2015-2024

Current European projects

Currently, the Catalan Tourist Board participates in the following European projects:

The Catalan Tourist Board is devenoping the 4P’s Programme for the digital transformation of tourism marketing, a strategic EU project for the digital transformation of tourism marketing, 40% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Completed European projects

Moreover, the Catalan Tourist Board was part of the following European projects:


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