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Actions and Objectives Plan

The Actions and Objectives Plan (AOP) is a document drawn up annually and approved by the Management Board of the Catalan Tourist Board.

This document lays down the actions to be carried out each year by the CTB to achieve its goals..


2012 AOP

The 2012 Actions and Objectives Plan (in catalan) is the last to be designed independently of the 2012-2015 Strategic Tourism Plan and the Marketing Plan of the CTB, which will govern the directions and areas of work of the board from next year onwards.

The AOP approved at the last meeting of the CTB Management Board seeks to implement more initiatives of wide-ranging scope and impact to promote Catalonia, while using fewer resources with increased efficiency.

L’ACT vol incorporar la promoció i també la comercialització online com a estratègies reforçades de tot el seguit d’actuacions adreçades a vendre el producte turístic, sigui B2B o B2C.

The CTB will be employing online promotion and sales as stepped-up strategies of an entire series of initiatives aimed at selling tourism products, be they B2B or B2C.

Notable among the general principles governing the CTB’s activity are the strengthening of the public-private partnership and the accords with some 15 commercial partners that are recognised brands and which will join the CTB in promoting Catalonia.

Other guiding principles are the CTB’s focus on demand and its commitment to sales. The CTB has set up the International Markets Unit to give source markets the priority they merit.

The markets identified as priorities (the USA and Singapore) and as emerging (China, South-East Asia, India and Brazil) are a key aspect of this approach. Spain and France will be priority neighbouring markets.

The network of Tourism Promotion Offices Abroad (eleven) is growing. Another of the aims in the 2012 AOP is to establish new offices in the United States (New York) and Singapore (Singapore city). In addition, the CTB will work more closely with Turespaña, the official Spanish tourism board.

Territorial balance is another of the aims to be pursued by strengthening regional tourism brands.

Another of the basic aims is segmenting: the CTB will explore in greater depth new market niches such as wine tourism, tourism for seniors, youth tourism and health tourism. In addition, the new system for classifying rural tourism premises by means of wheatears will be encouraged.

Furthermore, the CTB wants to extend both the Family Holiday Destination (by including inland and urban destinations, not just those along the coast) and the Sports Tourism Destination certificates.

Moreover, the Catalunya Convention Bureau, which focuses on business tourism, will be setting up the Catalonia Congresses and Catalonia Incentives programmes and will turn Madrid into one of the epicentres of its initiatives.

Tot el canal 2.0 esdevé prioritari. En aquest 2012, es potencia el Catalunya Experience, la presència de la marca turística a la xarxa social de l’ACT a Facebook, Twitter, Youtube i Flickr. I s’organitzaran dos blogstrips (un d’internacional i un per a l’Estat espanyol) per mantenir la difusió de Catalunya entre els principals prescriptors.

The entire Web 2.0 channel will become a priority. Efforts will be directed towards boosting the presence of the Catalonia Experience, the tourism brand of the CTB’s accounts on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr). Two blogstrips will also be set up (one international and the other for Spain) in order to continue to promote Catalonia among key prescribers.

With regard to the more traditional marketing channels, the 190 initiatives programmed will be distributed as follows: 54 fairs and exhibitions, 31 fam trips, 27 press trips, 46 workshops and 32 presentations.

The large-scale actions for 2012 include the fourth Buy Catalonia macro-workshop and a special plan to promote the Catalonia brand in the United Kingdom.

The “Catalonia, I like to share” publicity campaign will be more interactive and will involve companies to a greater extent.

The mounting of the new portal is another key proposal in the programme of initiatives. 


To consult the evaluation of the work done in 2010 (2010 AOP), please click here (catalan document).


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