The demand for security by professionals and companies in the organisation of events from the MICE sphere has increased due to the terrorist attacks suffered in European cities such as London, Brussels, Istanbul, Nice, Manchester or Munich.
This circumstance has meant that the economic investment in security matters has risen over the last two years in order to ensure the physical integrity of the attendees. This is explained in a report presented a few months ago by the MPI (Meeting Professionals International), the most relevant association in the world of the events industry. This document reveals that 48% of the organisers interviewed have already raised investment in this sphere.
Similarly, the MPI study shows the increase in the use of tools for recording attendees. It also shows the rise in technological advances in the Internet of things: wearables already exist that will facilitate tasks of identification, security processes and check-ins.
According to the recently interviewed Fiona Pelham, President of the MPI, education about security and communication is basic for meetings and events professionals in order to deal with the threat of attacks.