Catalan Tourism 2011-2015 Strategic Plan is intended to define the tourism model for Catalonia for the coming years, as well as the main guidelines that will steer the work of public and private-sector agents in the industry, in particular the Government of Catalonia.
To this end, the goals laid down in the Strategic Plan are to:
- Strengthen the Catalonia brand in markets in Europe and worldwide.
- Reduce the seasonality of tourism options.
- Achieve regional balance.
- Create the keys to consolidate the regional tourism brands and their link with the territory and the Catalonia brand.
- Modernise tourism-related infrastructure and services.
- Build a model based on the quality of tourism options rather than on the quantity of resources with a view to improving the sustainability of the tourism-related economic model.
- Continue and expand the collaboration with the private sector and to boost the shared responsibility of both the public and the private sectors.
- To generate employment and wealth by means of tourism.
- To raise the Catalan population’s awareness of the important role of tourism in Catalonia’s economy.
The overarching purpose of the Strategic Plan is to create a model that will enable Catalonia to maintain its leading position among the principal international tourist destinations.