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European networks

The Catalan Tourist Board participates in some European networks that promote business cooperation and coordination between regions in order to achieve a more social and sustainable tourism.

NECSTouR, a Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism

Catalonia presided from 2015 to 2021 NECSTouR, a Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism created by Tuscany, PACA (Provence, Alpes, Côte d’Azur) and Catalonia.

The network works to boost the cooperation between European regions in the consolidation of the sustainable tourism and to influence the European tourism policy. In order to achieve it the network coordinates through 3 specific initiatives: the Barcelona Declaration “Better places to live, better places to visit” and its legacy that derives to a regenerative tourism model that ensures the well-being of the community; the Plan of Climate Action in tourism that aims to contribute to achieving zero emissions targets following the principles of the Glasgow Declaration; and the Tourism of Tomorrow LAB that promotes the culture of data in the sustainable management of tourism. 

Today it counts around 41 regions and 30 associated members among companies, institutions, universities and associations of the European tourism sector.  

During the six years of Presidency, Catalonia has positioned the network as the spokesperson of the regions in the field of tourism to the European Institutions and deal with topics such as the role of the community in the tourism model and governance, the fight against seasonality, distribution and diversification of tourism and the collaborative economy, among others subjects.

EUROREGION, Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée

The Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée is a cooperative political project involving the regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Occitanie (and the Aragon, which is no longer part of the Euroregion).

The aim of the project is to create a sustainable development cluster in the northwestern Mediterranean region based on innovation and the social and economic integration of the territory. As such, the Euroregion shall contribute to the construction of a united, solidarity-based Europe attuned to the concerns and experiences of its citizens.

The CTB participates as a jury of the Tourism Innovation Awards and collaborates in the organization of the Miro in Cube hackathon, an annual tourism innovation competition that takes place simultaneously in 3 cities of the Euroregion: Barcelona, Palma and Perpignan.

Platform European Region of Gastronomy (ERG)


The European regions that achieved the title of European Region of Gastronomy, in the case of Catalonia in 2016, work together to raise awareness of the importance of their cultural and gastronomic heritage.

CTB is also part of:

  • OMT: CTB, as an affiliated member, represents the World Tourism Organization in Catalonia, the United Nations agency responsible for promoting responsible, sustainable and accessible tourism for all.
  • OITSInternational Social Tourism Organisation. Its mission is to promote access to holidays and tourism for the greatest number of people – young people, families, adults, the elderly and people with disabilities.
  • ENATEuropean Network for Accessible Tourism is a non-profit association for organisations that aim to be “frontrunners” in the study, promotion and practice of accesible tourism.


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