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European funds

Within the European Union’s (EU) 7-year Multiannual Financial Framework, 76% of the budget is managed in conjunction with national and regional administrations through a system of “shared management” and mainly through five major funds: the Structural and Investment Funds, led by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). 

The remaining funds are managed directly by the EU in the form of subsidies (competitive funds) through different sectoral European programs (COSMEHorizon EuropeLIFEErasmus+Europa Creativa…) and INTERREG European Territorial Cooperation programs (POCTEFASUDOEEURO-MEDENI CBC MEDInterreg Europe). 

Exceptionally, to overcome the severe social and economic crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and to promote forward-looking reforms, the European Union has launched the Next Generation EU Plan (European Union Recovery Plan), the largest economic stimulus package in the history of the EU with the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and REACT-EU as funding instruments. 

In order to receive the resources allocated to Spain, the State has submitted its Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan where component 14 deals specifically with tourism: 

– Plan for the modernization and competitiveness of the tourism sector 

More information: 

Do not hesitate to visit the website of European Funds in Catalonia of the Department of External Action of the Generalitat de Catalunya, with specific information on the Next Generation EU

The European Commission has also published a new digital edition of the Guide to EU funding for the tourism sector in which it highlights a wide range of European programs funded by the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 budget and the Next Generation EU, of particular interest to the tourism sector. 


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