Inici > Bite and Mos Awards 2024

Bite and Mos Awards 2024

On 27 Mai 2024, Turisme de la Generalitat de Catalunya, the Tourism department of Catalonia’s Government, celebrated the National Wine Tourism and Gastronomy Gala at the National Theatre of Catalonia (TNC).

The second edition of the Bite and Mos Awards took place during the event. The goal of these awards is to recognize the fundamental role played by creators of food and wine digital content in promoting this type of tourism and, at the same time, value Catalonia as a leading food and wine destination on a global scale.

This way, the awards want to reward the creators who have the ability to make their content readily visible to digital audiences from the widest scope possible, such as directly from the restaurants and the chefs themselves, but also from all types of content creators who have dedicated their work to the dissemination of restaurants and wineries.

The awards are divided into two categories: Bite and Mos.

Bite categoryInternational scope. Includes the following subcategories:

BITE honorary award: the goal is to reward a relevant professional career in the food and wine field that has contributed to enhancing the value of the Catalan culinary culture by creating digital content.

AWARDED: Carme Ruscalleda for her exceptional career in the world of gastronomy, which has made her an indisputable benchmark for Catalan and international haute cuisine. In addition, she became the first Catalan chef to achieve 3 Michelin stars, a recognition that crowns decades of effort, dedication and culinary talent. He has also been recognized for his impeccable professional career, which has crossed borders collecting praise and admiration around the world.

Best foodie: the goal is to reward a creator who develops the best international content in the food and wine field.

AWARDED: Aistė Misevičiūtė for her contribution to the world of international gastronomy through her own digital publication, which enriches the palates of thousands of people around the world. Likewise, the jury has awarded her remarkable work as creator and founder of “Luxeat”, an international culinary blog and for being an inspiring influence in the gastronomic industry, opening new perspectives and exploring the culinary delights of diverse cultures through your digital platform.

Best winefluencer: the goal is to reward the most influential content creator in the international wine sector.

AWARDED: Josep Roca for his dedication and passion in promoting wine as a key element of the gastronomic experience, making it accessible and understandable for all audiences. In this sense, he has done an exceptional job as co-owner and sommelier of El Celler de Can Roca, a temple of aromas and flavors from Girona internationally recognized for an innovative sensibility and vision that have captivated palates all over the world. In addition, Roca has been recognized as the best sommelier in the world with the Beronia World’s Best Sommelier Award.

Best food traveller: the goal is to reward a professional dedicated to creating and sharing food-related content in a travelling context.

AWARDED: Matt Goulding for his dedication as a journalist, writer and producer and his admirable work uncovering culinary delights around the world as co-founder of Roads and Kingdoms, a platform that fuses culture, politics and food . For his devotion to exploring and promoting the culinary culture of Barcelona and Catalonia, sharing unique stories and experiences.

Mos category. National scope. Includes the following subcategories:

Best Catalan cuisine prescriber: a public figure who shares Catalan cuisine on digital media.

AWARDED: Paco Solé for his deep understanding and appreciation of the Catalan culinary tradition. For its commitment to preserve and spread the country’s most emblematic recipes. For his dedication to the restaurant as owner of the historic restaurant 7 Portes de Barcelona and for being a tireless booster and promoter of the gastronomic culture of Catalonia through social gatherings, lyrical dinners and books.

Best ambassador: best content creator about Catalan cuisine.

AWARDED: Trinitat Gilbert for years of rigorously cooked journalism with quality ingredients in media such as Diari Ara and because with her words she is able to convey to us the emotion of each product, dish, and restaurant she tastes.

Best wine prescriber: best content creator in the Catalan wine sector.

AWARDED: Lluís Tolosa for his versatility and his many years of work as a sociologist, writer, trainer and communicator specialized in wine tourism. Tolosa has done a huge job of disseminating wine culture through more than 20 published books which have made it possible to make those who read and listen to it understand that to know wine is to know its land, its people and its history.

Best collective: best digital presence from a collective related to Catalan food and wine.

AWARDED: Dones del vi, a non-profit organization that promotes the presence and recognition of women who work in the wine sector: farmers, oenologists, winemakers, sommeliers… from the land to communication. And to claim and spread their great work through the organization of tastings and other wine events.


  • President: Mr Roger Torrent i Ramió, Business and Labour Minister.
  • Secretary: Beatriz Nubiola de Palacio, Head of Brand Management of the Experiential Marketing Unit at the Catalan Tourist Board.


  • Ms Marta Domènech i Tomàs, director general of Tourism.
  • Ms Georgina Tost i Faus, secretary of Digital Policies, appointed by the Department in charge of digital policies.
  • Mr Xavier Agell i Tuser, Head of the Secretarial Service of the Catalan Vine and Wine Institute (INCAVI), appointed by the Department responsible for agriculture.
  • Ms Fina Puigdevall i Nogareda, as a prestigious professional in the gastronomic sector.
  • Mr Toni Massanés i Sánchez, as a prestigious professional in the gastronomic sector.
  • Mr Quim Vila i Betriu, as a prestigious professional in the wine sector.
  • Mr Enric Jové i Bosch, as a prestigious professional in the digital marketing sector.
  • Ms Carme Gasull i Roigé, as a prestigious professional in the food and wine journalism sector.

More information:

Regulatory bases of the Bite and Mos Awards

Call for the first Edition of the Bite and Mos Awards


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